Blue Filter "Daylight" Lamp Pack
Excessive glare is a common cause of reading
problems and eyestrain.
Glare refers to unwanted light that is
reflected from the image that we are looking
at. For example when we are reading black
print on a white page the light reflected off the
page into our eyes is called glare. Glare
scatters light inside our eyes and causes
eyestrain. This also reduces visibility and
makes it harder for us to focus. Eyestrain
is not only stressful and uncomfortable, but it
also causes difficulty in making efficient saccade
eye movements. Saccadic eye movements are
the important eye movements we use when we read. We
recommend using a blue filter light system, which has two benefits:
- Firstly the blue filter reduces the
size of the eye's pupil (the pupil is the
black "window" that lets light enter
the eye). A smaller pupil will reduce
glare entering the eye. A smaller pupil
also makes it much easier to focus when we are
looking at print close up.
- Secondly the blue filter light
increases visibility of the print, while not
reflecting light off the page. The glare
is therefore reduced, while the visibility is
An efficient focus system with good visibility
will make the eye movements in reading easier and
reduce fatigue.
Our Blue Filter Lamp Pack comprises a
lamp with blue filter bulb, a ballpoint pen with
the optimum nib width and a ream of coloured A4
We hope you enjoy using your blue filter lamp.